Dream work is an undertaking of patience, and much insight can be gained by learning how to pay attention to and interpret your dreams. This article is meant to serve as a guide for beginners on learning to interpret your dreams. Dream work is a wonderful introduction to developing your psychic and spirit communication abilities, because spirits and our higher selves often communicate to us through dreams. The language of dreams is a language of spirits.
The first step in learning to interpret your dreams is in actually remembering them. Certain medications can interfere with your ability to remember your dreams, and in this case it may be harder or take longer to gain this ability through the method I’m about to lay out.
The method is simple. Before going to sleep, repeat to yourself silently or out loud, “I easily remember my dreams.” Affirmations like this work exceedingly well for dream work, though they can take time. Keep a sprig of rosemary (one you’ve asked permission to take and has agreed to work with you) above your bed or under your pillow to assist with this, as rosemary is an excellent herb for memory and dream recall.
In the teachings I’m providing through this month’s practical magick lessons, I give instructions on how to make a dream pillow with my own herbal recipe to assist you in all aspects of dream work (among other rituals and recipes focused on growing your psychic and spirit contact abilities). You can get this recipe and instructional by becoming a subscriber.
Keep a notebook next to your bed with a pen handy. This further tells your subconscious that you’re serious about remembering your dreams. As soon as you wake up, write down all you can remember, including feelings and emotions that were present in the dream. Committing to recording your dreams every morning will increase your ability to recall them until you find that you do so with ease.
The next steps for interpreting your dreams are where things get interesting. There’s no shortage of dream dictionaries out there, but none of them will be entirely accurate for you because your dream symbols will be very unique to you. You’ll develop your own dream dictionary over time as you interpret your dreams, by being aware of how you feel about the different symbols you encounter in your dreams. For example, you may love bats and dream about them as a good omen. What they mean to you will be much different than what they mean to someone who is terrified of bats, or the generic dream dictionary definition of seeing bats in your dreams.
After you’ve recorded your dream, answer the questions of who, what, where, and emotions with each aspect of the dream. The Who could be you and whoever else is present, the what is the action (whatever activity is occurring, think verbs), the where is the atmosphere or literal location inside the dream, and the emotions are the feelings that accompanied or colored your dream.
After you’ve identified these aspects of the dream, think about what they may symbolize for you. What does each aspect represent to you? If your mother is in your dream, what does she represent to you? If you’re skiing, what does this represent to you? If you’re back in your elementary school, what does school mean to you? What was school like for you as a child? And so on. Look for correlations between the dream symbols and what’s happening in your everyday life.
For example, if you’re driving a car in reverse and can’t stop it from going into a river, this may indicate that you feel your life is out of control and that you’re not going in a good direction, and perhaps you’re anxious that some aspect of your life is going down. Consider aspects of your life that you feel anxious about that these symbols could relate to. If someone else is driving, you may not be taking responsibility for some aspect of your life, or if they drive you into a river it could indicate that this person or what they represent to you is having a negative impact on you.
You may find that as you do this dream work, prophetic symbols will start to come through. These dreams often feel a little different than regular dreams, but sometimes prophetic symbols are sandwiched in between other more mundane symbols. The prophetic symbols will make more sense in retrospect until you get to a point where you recognize them as different from regular symbolism. As you become adept at interpreting dreams you’ll discern the difference. Dreaming of the dead usually means they are visiting you, so pay careful attention to anything they say or do.
Don’t expect to be perfect at this right from the start. It takes time to develop an understanding of your dreams. It’s worthwhile though, because once you do you’ll find it easier to lucid dream, to receive answers you need in your dreams, prophecy through dreams, and much more.
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