DIY Blanket Ladder

DIY Blanket Ladder April 20, 2016

Do you have any scrap wood laying around and a few hours to kill?

Is it a huge saftey hazard in your garage that you are constantly herding your children away from?

Are you afraid of what creepy crawly, spidery things might try to make a home in that pile of scrap wood?

We were able to make this adorable Blanket Ladder using that leftover wood for free ~ and we were able to make our garage a safer place for little ones and a momma much happier.

Here’s how we did it.

In our garage, we’ve been storing this pile of wood that we saved from some repairs we made to our deck last summer.  It was aged just right and too pretty to take to the dump.

Honestly, that stack of wood was in the way and was starting to worry me with visions of 2 by 4s falling on my boys heads! So I came up with a simple idea to use the wood and free up the safety hazard in my garage.

It’s so easy peasy that y’all will be making one this weekend!

First we chose the pieces we were going to use and made fresh cuts to the ends.

The most important thing we did was lightly sand the pieces and wash them thoroughly since it was old pressure treated lumber.

Plus, I didn’t want any of those creepy crawlies left around!

My pieces weren’t the same color after the sand/wash step, so I used a little
Valspar antiquing glaze to add uniformity to the pieces.

Then we eyeballed where the braces would go and assembled it.

Of course, little hands had to join in on their build as well.

Moments like these make for wonderful times of teaching and gave the boys a chance to be manly men next to their Daddy!

It was a fun family afternoon.

That’s it!

Seriously – it was the easiest DIY project we’ve ever done!
It literally took us about 2 hours total including the little teaching moments.

One design feature we made was to make angle cuts to the legs to allow for an easier ‘lean’ on the wall.  I also added felt pads to the feet and also to the top where it leaned against the wall.

It looks nice and aged and is a perfect fit for an empty corner.

I placed our surveyor’s stick that we found for free on a trash run to the dump.

How awesome is that piece! I can’t believe someone was throwing that away!

I also moved my Hand Painted Window into my…..window.

Is that weird? I loved how the light came thru the panes and highlighted the scripture.

Have fun making one of these and if you do, be sure to send me a link so I can see it!


Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket  photo instagram_zpsa69a0f97.png

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