Introducing Occasions of Grace

Introducing Occasions of Grace May 29, 2023
Meet Fr. Looney
Fr. Looney announces his new blog and introduces readers to who he is and what they can expect.

My name is Fr. Edward Looney and I’m grateful to be blogging now at Patheos and sharing occasions of grace in my life. I’m a priest for the Diocese of Green Bay and serve as a pastor. I’m also a Marian theologian and write a lot about Mary. She’s made a great impact on my life and she was full of grace as the archangel greeted her and we do likewise repeating those words in the Hail Mary. I’ve shared many of my graced moments with Mary in books that I have authored like A Heart Like Mary’s and How They Love Mary.

I’ve written for a number of websites over the years and now am delighted to have one space to call home. What I hope to accomplish with this little niche on the internet is to share how God has been moving and acting my life. These actions of God are called graces. Grace is something freely given to us as a gift. In Catholic theology we look to Mary as one chosen by God to mediate graces to us because God chooses to do so.
My interests in what I like to write about are varied. You can bet I’ll write about the role of Mary in my life and the life of a believer. I’ll share places I’ve visited and why they are special places of grace. I love film and television. I’ll be sharing how we can encounter God even in secular movies and shows, especially with new releases and Fathom Events.
I believe in our daily prayer it is important to ask God for special graces. Jesus taught us we must ask and knock to receive and have the door opened. If you are struggling with something, ask for a grace like perseverance, patience, or charity. Also important is to look back over the course of a day, week, month, year, and life. God is alive and working in our lives. Sometimes in noticeable ways. Other times in subtle ways. Together, let us open our eyes and discover those occasions of grace that come our way.

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