January 31, 2021

Neil Gaiman's comic "Sandman," remains one of the most important occultural artifacts of the late 20th century. After decades of failed attempts, an upcoming Netflix production promises to finally bring the complex story to the screen. What do the recent casting announcements tell us about what to expect? Read more

January 26, 2021

Have you noticed how often women who are either witches, superheroes, or fantasy heroines have to encounter some version of power dampening in their character development? I call it the "disempowered woman" trope. And it's everywhere, Read more

January 21, 2021

Every four years, we as a nation view the performance of an inauguration ritual, in which state power is either transferred or re-affirmed. This year in particular had aspects that could possibly be described as magickal. Read more

January 17, 2021

The entire recent season of "Star Trek: Discovery" is an allegory for collective trauma, our responses to it individually and culturally, and the possibility of healing. Read more

January 13, 2021

David Bowie is the ultimate representation of both the fascinating power and the tense anxieties behind the complex, alchemical mixture of music, performance and the occult. Read more

January 7, 2021

In "The Imp of the Perverse," The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina reframes witchcraft as resistance and also examines a psychological urge for chaotic power in its villain that mirrors the political moment in which America currently finds itself. Read more

January 2, 2021

Given the vast legacy of the monkey’s paw in popular occulture, it’s worth unpacking just how significant the trope is to fantasy and horror genres across multiple media. Further, teasing out the occult connections of the monkey’s paw concept reveals important details about the ethos of "Wonder Woman 1984," a film that attempts to critique the excess of the 1980s and offers us contemporary reflections of Trumpian America in the 2020s. Read more

December 30, 2020

Occult media scholar Jason Winslade, PhD, provides a list of films and TV shows in 2020 which featured elements of the occult, magick and witchcraft. Read more

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