“Why Daughters Need Their Dad”
As a man with three daughters, I need all the help I can get to understand how to love and parent them well. This post from Dr. Meg Meeker provides helpful guidance. “Here’s the bad news. You need to stop in your tracks, open your eyes wider, and see what your daughter faces today, tomorrow, and in ten years. It’s tough and it’s frightening, but this is the way it is. While you want the world to be cautious and gentle with her, it is cruel beyond imagination—even before she is a teen. Even though she may not participate in ugly stuff, it’s all around her: sexual promiscuity, alcohol abuse, foul language, illegal drugs, and predatory boys and men who want only to take something from her.”
“5 Things to Focus in Your First Year in Ministry”
I wrote this for the SBTS blog to help young pastors through the troubled waters of their first full year as a pastor. Many men make serious mistakes in their first year which hamper their ministry and the application can save them from these mistakes. “The early years of a young pastor’s ministry do not have to be marked by tension, stress, and hard feelings. By focusing on several simple tasks in the first year of ministry, a young pastor can lay the groundwork for a fruitful, God-glorifying ministry.”
“4 Lessons for the Bedeviling Sanctification Debate”
Many Reformed Christians have discussed the nature and motivations for how we grow as Christians over the last decade. Tim Keller wades into this discussion with some helpful advice for thinking about these issues. “So to grow in grace comes not simply from believing more in our justification, though we should meditate on that reality daily. Understood more comprehensively, it flows from using the gospel of grace on the root of our sin—the mistrust of God’s goodness and the inordinate love of other savior-things.”