Mothers and Fathers of Ancient Christian Monasticism

Mothers and Fathers of Ancient Christian Monasticism March 14, 2024

Healing Power of Faith”

Monastics like St Demiana, Catherine of Alexandria, and Meliana the Younger are all quintessential examples of women who inspired faith and taught about the significance of practicing silence, solitude, and stillness. One notable man, named Antony of the Desert, an ascetic, is cited as the person who began the “monastic movement”. 

Over the centuries people have used different healing methods to heal themselves and others.  Such ways include using gemstones, colors, medicinal herbs, and sounds, and calling on the health deities to restore their bodies.  To this day, society utilizes ancient curative techniques to heal mankind.   Humanities’ journey to restore the physical body to health and wholeness is never-ending.  

In the Roman Empire, around 311AD countless persons were plagued with physical illness, and it was usually the deprived and disabled who became chronically ill. The incapacitated did not have the means to visit a doctor, and the Roman government did not feel obliged to help the sick, so the afflicted were expected to take care of themselves. Sadly, the diseased people could be found in the streets begging, at the baths cleansing, or in the temple pleading with the healing gods; Asclepius, Hera and,, Hygieia to restore their health.  

In the 3rd century AD, during the persecution of Christians in Egypt, a group of exceptional men and women sought refuge in caves in the desert. These individuals are now recognized as the founders of ancient monasticism. To support themselves, they began weaving palm baskets and mats, as well as planting vegetables to sell in the nearby city. Over time, they gained a reputation for their strong faith and miraculous healing abilities.

Melania the Younger, Christian Saint

Antony of the Desert believed in purifying our minds to reach our highest potential. He emphasized on genuine change of heart and using gifts like patience, self-control, and courage to conquer pain. His powerful words are found in ancient monastic writings.

Antony of the Desert had great faith and became God’s source of healing power. The ancient monastics left us spiritual instructions from the Eastern Christian tradition. Their writings can teach us how to master our inner life and purify our souls. God’s path to healing is open for all of us to follow.

The remarkable ascetics lived a simple life that focused on meditation, prayer, and asceticism. Many faithful travelers would journey to the desert to seek spiritual guidance and healing from these elusive monastics. Due to their self-discipline, sincerity, love, and faith in the almighty God, they were often able to heal others who came seeking their assistance.



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