August 16, 2004

In addition to the above story, and forgive me those of you on the “old calendar,” today, following yesterday’s feast, I consumed a tomato sandwich with salt, pepper, and Duke’s mayonnaise. Now that’s redemption. Read more

August 16, 2004

Here’s an editorial on the “I Had An Abortion” T-shirt and, God help us,”abortion pride.” For local viewers of this Blog, our Adult Class schedule — Orthodoxy 101 — is now posted on our parish website. Regarding my post of July 9th on a book by Max Lucado … yes, I did finish the book. No, I certainly can’t recommend it for Orthodox. But, being fair, for many in the Protestant world, this sort of positive-mental-attitude for Jesus collection of... Read more

August 14, 2004

A friend of mine, Fr David Smith, has a new book out: Mary, Worthy of All Praise. Here’s Frederica Mathewes-Green’s lastest: Elder Care for Jesus Aging Mother. A Blessed Feast to ALL! Read more

August 13, 2004

If you could become Orthodox like a Romanian, Experience it like a Serbian, Be loyal to it like a Ukranian, Sacrifice for it like a Russian, Be proud of it like an Arab, And enjoy it like a Greek, What a great Faith you’d have, Especially if in addition you got to call yourself an American. Read more

August 12, 2004

Random Thoughts … Listening to NPR on the way home the other day … Why is it always things like “the holy city of Najaf” … and rarely “the holy city of Jerusalem” … “the holy city of Rome” … “the holy city of Sitka” … etc? New Jersey Governor resigns because he’s gay and had an affair? Gosh, thanks to all the other news of late, that sounds so 9/10. The Wall Street Journal ran a piece today (8/12)... Read more

August 10, 2004

paramour: a man’s mistress or a woman’s lover. mistress: 1 a woman who rules others or has control, authority, or power over something; specifically, (a) a woman who is head of a household or institution; (b) a woman owner of an animal or slave. 2 a woman who has intimate relations with, and, often is supported by a man for a more or less extended period of time without being married to him; paramour. struggle: 1 to contend or fight... Read more

August 7, 2004

August 6th, 2004: Just before waking from a nap this afternoon, I had a dream: My daughter and I were eating in a restaurant and I mentioned a concert that I’d seen in the old Charlotte Coliseum … and it appeared, the coliseum. The scene changed. I was riding on a bus, seated beside two black ladies, and recounting the concerts I’d seen there … Willie Nelson, Elvis, etc. Then I told them I’d seen Rick James perform there [I’d... Read more

August 4, 2004

YOU KNOW YOU’RE SOUTHERN ORTHODOX WHEN: 10) At Pentecost, your church is decorated with Kudzu. 9) You spell “feast” with only three letters: B B Q. 8) You say “Father,” “Barsonuphios,” and “Monastery” without any pronouncing an “r.” 7) You drive 3 hours to an Orthodox Church. But, could hop … on one foot … with your eyes closed … (and a rock in your shoe) … to the nearest Baptist Church. 6) All your services are all in English... Read more

August 2, 2004

Warning: The following article is secular. It has nothing to do with Orthodoxy. It was, however, the impetus for the Orthodoxy in DIXIE article. (File it under the “Etc” column.) What a hoot! All the mud-slinging that surrounded the Confederate battle flag atop the Statehouse in Columbia, South Carolina, got me thinking: Why is it that we didn’t hear the middle class native Southern voices within that forensic roar? Perhaps the answer lies buried under the Southern accent. Mind you,... Read more

July 30, 2004

This sermon was originally preached on Sunday, August 4, 1996. Gospel Text “Then he made the disciples get into the boat and go before him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowds. And after he had dismissed the crowds, he went up on the mountain by himself to pray. When evening came, he was there alone, but the boat by this time was many furlongs distant from the land, beaten by the waves; for the wind was against... Read more

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