Wednesday Wisdom, book birthday party edition: Labyrinths

Wednesday Wisdom, book birthday party edition: Labyrinths June 5, 2013

This week’s Wednesday Wisdom post is also part of the Birth On The Labyrinth Path birthday party week. The theme is labyrinths. How can labyrinths connect us to spirit, to the land, or to our own bodies? How can the labyrinth be a symbol for birth?

“To walk a sacred path is to discover our inner sacred space: that core of feeling that is waiting to have life breathed back into it through symbols, archetypal forms like the labyrinth, rituals, stories and myths.” – Lauren Artress, Walking A Sacred Path: Rediscovering the Labyrinth as a Spiritual Tool

“With my feet firmly on the labyrinth’s sacred ground I gained a new appreciation for the particular place in the world where my baby would be born.” – Sarah Whedon (yeah, that’s me!), “Labyrinth As Birth Symbol

“The journey into the labyrinth’s center is symbolic of letting go and of death (psychic and physical), and the journey from the center out of the labyrinth represents birth and rebirth.” – Pam England, Labyrinth of Birth

Don’t forget you can enter to win a copy of Birth on the Labyrinth Path or stunning labyrinth jewelry from Wild Mother Arts! And watch tomorrow for more about labyrinths.

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