March 8, 2014

My body is my altar / my body is my temple / my living presence on this earth / my prayer. Read more

March 5, 2014

Some helpful hints on how to introduce children to the sacredness of nature and the land. Read more

March 3, 2014

Let the sparkles of these chakra colors remind you to bring your whole self to your labor. To walk the spiral path, to dive in, to embrace, to unfold, and to become: Mother. Read more

March 3, 2014

We've been busy here at Pagan Families! Having Pagan Tea Time, welcoming Molly Khan and Hannah Johnston, and keeping up with all our parenting and priestessing and other projects. Read more

February 26, 2014

Motherhood is an intensely embodied experience. It is profoundly empowering to know that you can build a whole person and sustain their lives with nothing but the materials of your own body—this is my blood, my milk, made flesh. Read more

February 26, 2014

Rooted in the Body, Seeking the Soul: Magic Practitioners Living with Disabilities, Addiction, and Illness by Tara "Masery" Miller and contains articles and interview with many Pagans experiencing disabilities and other medical difficulties in their lives. It is a treasure-trove of lived experience, and belongs on the bookshelf of any Pagan! Read more

February 24, 2014

If we are to live our lives in keeping with a philosophy of respect, we must trust that other people can make the decisions that are best for them and their families, and support them in making those decisions with resources, information, and love. Read more

February 20, 2014

But wait...whoah..hold on..I had a plan, a calling, priestess service to give, secrets of the universe to ponder, a hefty Crone to do list. Instead now there is playgroup, and balanced meals, and three organic snacks a day, and young mamas with different perspectives, and one old crone... Read more

February 19, 2014

Saying our "thank-yous" at mealtime is a great way for kids (and grownups!) to get in touch with where our food is coming from. Read more

February 13, 2014

In association with my family monthly tradition of family full moon fun, each year I also draw a full moon “calamandala.” Calamandala is a word I believe I coined that refers to a calendar in mandala form. I am not particularly skilled in drawing, but have found that the color combination of white colored pencils on black paper produces a striking result with limited skill! In 2012, along with the dates of each full moon and goddesses representing the elements,... Read more

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