Lessons in Diversity from the Gods

Lessons in Diversity from the Gods August 5, 2016
  1. A half-blind, bearded elderly man; an old, fierce woman, half-black and half-white; a muscular young man with only one hand.
  2. A small, winged, blind boy; a powerful dark-haired, bearded man with pale skin; a beautiful three-headed woman.
  3. A tall, bald, green-skinned man; a mother with the head of a black cat; a large female hippopotamus with human breasts.
  4. A cheerful boy with blue skin; a fierce, fanged woman with black skin, at least four arms and three eyes; a red monkey.
  5. A green, fanged demon; a great dragon; a plump, cheerful woman
  6. An eye staring from the sky; a gentle bearded man; a dove.


  1. Asatru (Odin, Hel, Tyr)
  2. Greco-Roman (Eros/Cupid, Hades/Pluto, Hecate/Trivia)
  3. Kemetic (Osiris, Bastet, Taweret)
  4. Hindu (Krishna, Kali, Hanuman)
  5. Shinto (Fūjin, Ryūjin, Ame-no-Uzume-no-Mikoto)
  6. The Christian Trinity (God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit)

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