Pagan & Shinto News: Widespread coverage of the Blood Moon lunar eclipse

Pagan & Shinto News: Widespread coverage of the Blood Moon lunar eclipse July 29, 2018

Top stories in Paganism and Shinto for July 22nd – 29th:

  • Widespread coverage of the Blood Moon lunar eclipse
  • Gion Festival parade cancelled due to heatwave
  • Pagan outcry over fencing at Jersey tomb site

Pagan News

Pagan outcry over fencing at Jersey tomb site
A pagan worship ground has been damaged by visitors – and fencing put up to protect it is the latest sign of “disrespect” for the religion, says a Jersey witch…

Russian Orthodox Church will create registry of atheists and pagans
The ROC are engaged in the development of Russian unified registry of atheists (BELIEF), which will contain data on persons practicing pagan religion or adhering to radical atheism…

Blood Moon: The Lunar Eclipse At Lammas
By The Pale Moonlight
Friday 27th July, 2018, marks a phenomenal lunar phase, whereby circumstances conspire, combine and coalesce as Selene rises in the night sky in two most magical conditions: full and totally eclipsed…

Pagan Pride Festival to come to Nottingham
Nottinghamshire Live
Unicorn dressage, a mermaid meet and greet, plus morris dancing are among the entertainment on offer at the UK’s biggest outdoor Pagan festival landing in Nottingham this summer…

Pagan scholarly journal to focus on art, fashion
The Wild Hunt
Witchcraft, says Caroline Tully, an honorary fellow in the School of Historical and Philosophical Studies at the University of Melbourne, “has become glamorous – and I’m not talking about its traditional faerie glamour, but fashionista glamour.”…

The Rise Of The Internet Witch
Study Breaks
Unlike in the ’70s and ’80s, when what people nervously referred to as “New-Age religion” was seen as the domain of middle aged hippies, witchcraft and the witchcraft-centered religion Wicca are now transforming into more mainstream lifestyles and key influences on internet culture…

Why does white supremacist Odinism thrive in prisons?
The Wild Hunt
Recently, The Wild Hunt interviewed Rory Bowman about white supremacist Odinism in prison…


Shinto News

Gion Festival Parade Cancelled Due to Heatwave
Japan Forward
However, this year, Ato-Matsuri Hanagasa Junko, the parade by Maiko dancers scheduled for July 24, was cancelled due to the unexpected heatwave that has hit Japan these past few weeks…

When Children Turn into God
A streak of white mixture is painted on the noses of a group of girls, one by one. “Now”, the lady who’s applying the make-up tells them, “you are Kamisama (god)”…

Decades after sarin gas attack, the appeal of Japanese cults persists
South China Morning Post
Buddhism and Shintoism are the two major religions in Japan, but the faiths are falling out of favour…

Kyoto’s Yasaka Shrine Combines Elements of Shintō and Buddhism
With a history dating back some 1,200 years, Yasaka Shrine has long been home to Japan’s peculiar blend of Shintō and Buddhist faiths…


Other News

Blood moons have a dark and ominous history. Here’s why.
For the people of ancient times, lunar eclipses could signify certain doom…

Eclipse 2018: Myths and legends surrounding the Blood Moon
Sunday Express
Here are some myths and legends surrounding the lunar phenomenon…

The terrifying history of lunar eclipses
It’s no wonder that, once upon a time, when the moon glowed red and disappeared during a lunar eclipse, humans were terrified…


Japanese former residents of Russian-controlled isles return to visit ancestors’ graves
The Japan Times
Japanese former residents of Russian-controlled islands off Hokkaido flew to two of them Sunday to visit their ancestors’ graves, in the second such trip negotiated during the decades-long spat over the islands’ ownership…

400-year-old temple stage for fashion show
The Japan News
A modern fashion show was held in the main hall of Myozenji temple in Tokyo’s Roppongi district on the evening of July 1…

Jomon art: Japan’s prehistoric charm
The Japan Times
The Tokyo National Museum’s “Jomon: 10,000 Years of Prehistoric Art in Japan” exhibition  has rounded up more than 200 items — everything from ancient jars to masks…

Japan’s indigenous Ainu sue to bring their ancestors’ bones back home
The Japan Times
Nearly 150 years ago, Ezo, home of the indigenous Ainu people, was rechristened Hokkaido, formalizing the centuries-long process of the island’s assimilation into Japan…

Ancient Egyptian Burial Complex Discovered By Archaeologists In Saqqarah
In the Saqqarah cemetery in Egypt, archaeologists have recently discovered an incredible burial complex that holds a lot of treasures of indescribable value…

‘Even monks get impatient’: Buddhist priest sorry for anger at tourist reviews
The Guardian
Daniel Kimura hit the news this week with his withering comebacks to tourists complaining that food at a temple guesthouse was not up to scratch…

Top 10 fairy trails in Ireland
Want to take your family away with the fairies? Travel writer and mum Susan Morrell picks 10 places to chase a little magic in Ireland…

India: Woman Allegedly Beaten To Death By Neighbour On Suspicion Of Witchcraft
A 55-year-old woman was beaten to death today by her neighbour for allegedly practising black magic in Palamau district, police said…

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