Pagan & Shinto News: Stonehenge Summer Solstice To Be Streamed Online

Pagan & Shinto News: Stonehenge Summer Solstice To Be Streamed Online May 18, 2020

Top stories in Paganism and Shinto this week:

  • UK: Stonehenge summer solstice to be streamed online this year
  • UK: ‘Anarchists’ deface Devon saint statue with words “Pagan Justice”
  • Central Japan shrine with healing reputation appeals for info on anonymous letter

Read more below…

Left: Stonehenge, Pixabay. Centre: Statue of St. Boniface, Crediton, Devon Michael Murray. Right: Iwazu Tenmangu Shrine in Ozaki, Evelyn-rose / CC0

Pagan News

UK: Stonehenge summer solstice to be streamed online this year says English Heritage
Salisbury Journal
The summer solstice celebrations at Stonehenge will not be going ahead this year, as the latest event to fall victim to Covid-19….

‘Anarchists’ deface Devon saint statue with words “Pagan Justice”
Devon Live
The graffiti, which is scrawled across the base of the statue, states: “God is dead. Pagan justice.”…

Hands of the Goddess still feeding families after 10 years
The Wild Hunt
Hands of the Goddess works with partners, friends, and other allies to ensure to link “individuals facing [a] crisis situation with needed services when and where appropriate.”…

Police blamed murders on blue moon and witchcraft but motive was far more simple
The Mirror
Local pagan followers were outraged at the suggestion that Wicca traditions had anything to do with murder…

A history of witchcraft in Kent: How ‘ritual magic’ lead to torture and executions across the county
Kent Online
Apart from these eerie reminders of times gone by, witchcraft in the criminal sense has pretty much vanished in Britain. But there is still a small group who practice modern variations of such beliefs…

Shinto News

Central Japan shrine with healing reputation appeals for info on anonymous letter
The Mainichi Shimbun
A Shinto shrine in central Japan’s Aichi Prefecture is looking to identify the anonymous sender of a request for an amulet, after receiving a letter that appears to be from the town of Karumai in Iwate Prefecture, northeastern Japan…

Shrine in Japan offers solace to those at home
The Hour
Onoterusaki Shrine in downtown Tokyo was livestreaming prayers on Twitter during a May 1-10 holiday, allowing those stuck at home to join rituals…

Kyoto’s major festival quiet without procession amid pandemic
Kyodo News
Kyoto’s Aoi Matsuri, one of the city’s three main festivals, was held Friday on a scaled-down basis, with the colorful procession that has been a major tourist attraction canceled amid the novel coronavirus pandemic…

Mount Fuji to be closed to climbers this summer due to virus
Japan Times
It is the first time since at least 1960 that all four routes will be closed during the climbing season…

Shinto priest’s nearly 10-year quest to help after 3/11 crisis
The Asahi Shimbun
Shinto priest Nobuhiko Ise is not one to forget his roots in Fukushima Prefecture, where the 2011 earthquake and tsunami disaster triggered a nuclear catastrophe that still resonates today…

Other News

Turkey: Temple that predates Stonehenge reveals architectural planning may be older than we think
The Göbekli Tepe complex in southeastern Anatolia, Turkey, is a 11,500-year-old stone structure that predates Stonehenge…

Italy: Rome unearths ancient Roman sarcophagus at Ostia Antica
Wanted In Rome
An intact terracotta sarcophagus dating from the second century AD has been unearthed alongside the archaeological site of Ostia Antica, in a surprise discovery…

Zimbabwe: Masvingo man killed over witchcraft
Bulawayo 24
Masvingo police have reported that they are investigating a case of murder that originated from a witchcraft dispute among a certain family…

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