the hours

the hours December 30, 2004

i’ve been up to my eyeballs in craziness for the past month. the church is moving to a new location on jan. 16th, red guitar has been playing out a lot and we’re in the middle of making another record, satellite soul is making a new record which is taking far too long, seminary classes are cranking up again, gift buying, xmas parties, leaving town…wow i haven’t taken it in much at all for the last month.

here’s been the best thing for me spiritually for the past month. the advent season and christmas prayers in “the divine hours” by phyllis trickle have been amazing. i’m deeply impacted by the sheer number of people who stop four or five times daily and pray the hours. i feel a sense of connectedness to other believers on the journey of life as i pray. i’m aware of how big the kingdom of god is and just how real it is to pray in concert with millions around the world that i don’t even know and never will know.

if you want to pray the hours, you can do so at this website:

or go buy the books. there are 3 volumes that cover the whole year. here is one prayer that i’m enjoying praying.


almighty god, you have given your only-begotten son to take our nature upon him, and to be born of a pure virgin: grant that i, who have been born again and made your child by adoption and grace, may daily be renewed by your holy spirit; through my lord jesus christ, to whom with you and the same spirit be honor and glory, now and forever. Amen.

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