Sigur Ros

Sigur Ros October 23, 2007

About a year ago my friend Isaac told me about this band – Sigur Ros that I needed to check out. He suggested that I just look on youtube and find live footage. But the first thing I clicked on was this video for the song Glosoli. On youtube it’s low quality and not it the Cinema dimensions. Even so, I fell in love with their music. J. Hall hooked me up with more of their music (thanks J.), and I’ve been studying to this stuff for the past year. It’s great to study to because they are either singing in Icelandic or their own made-up language. I’m not tempted to try and figure out what they are saying so I can just read with this incredible music in my ears that isn’t really a distraction.
Anyway, J. just sent me a link to the hi-res version of the video to the song Glosoli. It’s incredible…go watch it. It’s so worth the time. I love it when the kid starts beating the drum.
After you watch this you’ll know two things. 1) why i love Sigur Ros even though I don’t understand one word of what he is saying. 2) why drummers are always cool

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