More Jesus and the Political

More Jesus and the Political August 10, 2009

I read this today in a book by Richard Rohr and thought it would apply not only to the discussion in the previous post, but to the hateful speech I’ve been seeing on television during the political forums in the past few weeks.

“They’re not credible prophets. If we hate people who don’t agree with us, if we feel righteous and superior to those who have different politics, we’re not in the Spirit. Until that grace is given, we should not presume we have a prophetic charism. When we have the prophetic charism, we don’t inflict plain on ‘them’; we hold the pain in ourselves. We absorb the pain; we don’t project it or avenge the evil we see. We surrender to the realization that we are also complicit in the evil of the world. It’s just a matter of when and where and how.”

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