The Words of Paul

The Words of Paul June 10, 2011

We’re are doing a series on the words of Paul at Redemption Church. The idea is to delve into five words that pop up over and over in Paul’s writings. If we can explore these words – which are really themes that are repeated and developed – we can become better readers of Paul, and better readers of scripture. The words we chose are:

faith (pistis)

righteousness (dikaiosynē)

gospel (euangelion)

Grace (charis)

Church (ekklēsia)

If you feel like listening to a message, the first two are online now:

Two great sources I’m using are books:

Reading Paul by Michael Gorman

It really doesn’t get much better than this book on Paul! Michael Gorman is a top-notch New Testament Scholar. But he’s not writing merely for the academy. His simply titled book Reading Paul is clearly written with the pastor and lay-person in mind. I won’t bore you with a summary, but if you are going to read your bible in the next 10 years, and you think Paul’s writing might be involved, you have no excuse to not read this book.

Paul in Fresh Perspective

N.T. Wright is perhaps one of the top 3-5 living theologians of the day. He is freakishly brilliant and is part of a movement to rescue Pauline scholarship from some major issues. This book is one of his smaller

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