Why are Evangelicals Losing Influence?

Why are Evangelicals Losing Influence? June 29, 2011

I’ve got a new article up on the Huffington Post today. Here’s an excerpt:

“The evangelical church will have its impact on American culture not through political maneuvering, lawsuits, electing evangelical candidates, controlling the arts, or boycotting movies and products, but when evangelicals begin to embody the virtues derived from our faith. Kindness, generosity, peacefulness, hospitality, patience, self-control — these are radical virtues that should define the people called evangelicals. Instead we are largely defined by what we are against (like yoga and evolution).

Popular evangelical leader Rick Warren once noted the church was meant to be the body of Christ, but it seems “The hands and feet have been amputated and we’re just a big mouth.” He’s right. The evangelical church will enjoy great influence on American culture when it once again becomes the hands and feet of Christ, when it begins to act like the church. How this works out is always different in every context, but Jesus taught it always involves two simple things: love God, love your neighbor…”

You can read the whole thing here! Remember that when you make comments, tweet the article, or share it on facebook, it moves up the food chain & lives longer online!!

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