Theology Matters

Theology Matters February 1, 2012
I stumbled across this interesting video the other day. It’s really well done & as a theology nerd, I enjoyed it. It’s a promotional tool for a book called Dug Down Deep by Joshua Harris. I have never read the book and so cannot recommend it. However I can quibble with one aspect of what the video is promoting.

The final line of the video says, “The question is whether what we know about God is true.”

Is that the question?

Truth is not a rational abstraction that you can write down in a sentence. You can write things down which are true, but you cannot write Truth, because Truth is a person – Jesus. Absolute truth exists in the person of Jesus and thus we can relate to the truth, we can live truthfully, we can say things that are true about Jesus (and false as well). But the ontological category of Truth only exists in Christ.

I’m pretty sure this is neo-reformed theology & more of the same attempt to say that doctrine is “truth,” and to treat the scripture as a repository of timeless truths. The question isn’t about WHAT you know – because everybody has a heresy or two lurking in the shadows of what they say they believe. The question is about WHO you know.

I don’t think we should want to say things about God which are not true. I just think we need to recognize that what matters is not how perfectly our beliefs line up to reality. In my opinion, this is a good thing for Calvinists, because limited atonement is whacked!

Still…  I found myself a little bit jealous. I want a well made video promoting my book.

Have a look and be jealous for me!

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