What is the President Really Like?: an insider’s take on Pres. Bush and Pres. Obama

What is the President Really Like?: an insider’s take on Pres. Bush and Pres. Obama March 7, 2012
I read two brief articles this morning, thought they were interesting, and wanted to pass them on. Both of them were written by self-described “space policy geek” Peter Marquez, who worked in the West Wing, and they are quick answers to questions concerning the last two presidents, George W. Bush and Barack Obama. Although politics in the US seems to exist in a constant intractable state of incivility, every once in a while we get to read something pleasant about its lightening rod figureheads. The accounts will probably seem surprising to those who have been schooled to believe only the worst about these two political leaders. I have no trouble believing that they are pretty true to life. In each case it was enjoyable to read about how the public image of each man seems so far from reality. Granted, we are reading just one person’s limited interaction, but it was good to read.
Quick aside: at one point the author says “home in on” instead of “hone in on,” which is pretty funny given yesterday’s post.
It blows me away that Bush was always dismissed is a moron. If what this writer says is true, then this amounts to a kind of character assassination (which I guess is to be expected as President). That he was very smart, had a good memory, and engaged in detail work (e.g. the NSC report), flies in the face of the narrative many constructed around him. I have no trouble believing that he is genuine and funny.
It’s interesting that the two entries differ so much in tone. I can tell that he’s a republican just by the language. However, it was really nice to hear a partisan say something nice about President Obama. I have no trouble believing that he is a family man. The cautious side, guarded, wanting to know every possible hypothetical is the sign of a really engaged mind, which is nice.

I hope you take the time to read them! 

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