Say hello to the 10 companies who make most of our consumer products

Say hello to the 10 companies who make most of our consumer products May 8, 2012

There is a pretty interesting graphic making its way around the internet right now, showing the hundreds of corporations and brands that are owned by just a few central companies. It’s pretty amazing to think that nearly every consumer product you buy traces back to just a handful of parent corporations.

These enormous corporations are now considered to be “people” by the federal government. This means that they can give unlimited amounts of cash to politicians who are running for office. They do not do this because they are somehow altruistic, but because they expect the politicians to do their bidding.

I encourage everyone to read about this decision, it’s called Citizen’s United v. Federal Election Commission. That’s the wikipedia link – it’s not a bad place to start reading. If the US is switching from a republic to a plutocracy, then you are looking at some of the founding fathers.

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