Finally a sitcom about what it’s like to be in the ministry: Check out “Rev” on the BBC

Finally a sitcom about what it’s like to be in the ministry: Check out “Rev” on the BBC June 14, 2012

As though we needed more evidence to convince us all that the British are indeed more funny that the Americans – the BBC’s Rev proves the point. I happened onto this show on the advice of a friend who does ministry. You can watch the first two episodes for free on – completely hilarious.

Rev. is the story of an Anglican priest who is uprooted from a sleepy parish in the English Countryside and plopped down in the socially disunited East London parish of St. Saviour. Faced with he impossibility of balancing his unenthusiastic wife, a fame seeking archdeacon, a socially awkward associate pastor, drug addicts and an amorous cassock-chasers, Adam – played by Tom Hollander – bumbles hilariously from on debacle to another in what is one of the funniest plays on ministry life I’ve ever seen.

Here’s a quick scene where Adam greets one of his parishioners at the vicarage door:

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