Monday Morning Confessional

Monday Morning Confessional October 1, 2012

I confess that just after college, I once donated plasma so that I could by a pizza.

I confess that comparison is my favorite sin (you may not think comparison is a sin, but it is the way I do it), and it causes me constant trouble.

I confess that one fourth of all prisoners in American jails are there because of nonviolent drug offenses. I confess that African Americans represent 12% of drug users, but makeup 59% of those in state prison for drug convictions.

I confess that I’m chronically late. I confess that I’m usually tempted to make up an excuse in order to make myself look better.

I confess that I’m worried about several of my friends who are struggling with different issues right now. I confess that I’m afraid that when they come out on the other side of their struggles, they won’t want to be friends anymore.

I confess that I’m trying to become a better listener, and that I’m doing so because I think maybe I’m kind of a lousy listener.

I confess that I’m disillusioned by the intense bipolarity of national politics. I confess that I was used to being able to blame Washington as the center of hatred, but it seems as though the rest of the country has now joined in. I confess that I’m mystified by those who seriously think that the world will be so much better off if their side wins this upcoming election. I confess that I cannot believe how much trust people put in politicians and political parties.

I confess that I am impatient.

I confess that after 6 weeks off from running while I let a leg injury heal, I have not bounced back into the running routine as quickly as I though I would. I confess that I’m a little bit frustrated by this because we’re coming into the best time of year for running.

I confess that I think the most challenging words in the bible are from Matt. 7:1 – “Do not judge.”

Okay friends! I made my confession, time for you to make yours!

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