Monday Morning Confessional

Monday Morning Confessional October 22, 2012

I confess that I have not watched 24 hour cable news in over a month and I don’t miss it at all. I confess that nearly all of my news and information has come from print media. I have been getting the NYTimes at home for the past couple of months and really enjoy it. The one exception is that I will read articles from CNN. I try to avoid anything generated by Fox News or MSNBC, even if it is in print.

I confess that Monday Morning Confessional is getting harder and harder to do, mostly because I feel exhausted and drained on Monday mornings.

I confess that confess that I miss being able to purchase well made, long lasting consumer goods. Planned obsolescence is a moral evil.

I confess that I’m troubled when I bump up against the refusal to be patient and forgiving. I know I have this problem myself, but it seems so stark to me in some relationships and it causes so much pain. If there is any virtue that more quickly builds Christian community, it is the virtue of being long-suffering. The lack of it is a peace-killer.

I confess that I like to say that I like rap music, but deep down I don’t enjoy listening to it. I appreciate rap/hip-hop for what it is, but don’t personally enjoy the genre. I confess that expressing appreciation for rap/hip-hop often feels like the musical equivalent to claiming that I’m not a racist. “See, I have a friend who is black.” The exceptions to this would be Calvin Cordozar Broadus, Jr (Snoop Dogg), and Eminem. I don’t know their work that well, but what I do know I like… sort of.

The phrase “epic fail” sounds to me like fingernails on the chalkboard.

I used to feel incredible guilt about cussing.

The emotion I most associate with high school is anxiety.

I think it’s a dumb rule that you can’t end a sentence with a preposition. What is that all about? hehe

I love fall. It’s clearly the queen of all seasons.

I made my confession. Now it’s your turn.

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