Monday Morning Confessional

Monday Morning Confessional June 17, 2013

I confess that my wife and kids gave me a huge gift certificate for Father’s Day. Best. Gift. Ever.

I confess that I’m becoming a bit of an audible-phile. I have read at least 10-15 books over the past year by listening to them – including Les Miserables, A Prayer for Owen Meany, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, and the Metaxas book on Bonhoeffer. Last week I read the new Rob Bell book in one day. (I have to say Thanks to my friend Chaim for the introduction to audio books & for feeding the fire for the past year or two, and my friend Chris for letting me sponge of him as well). I love three things about audio books: 1) they allow me to listen while running, driving, running errands, mowing the lawn, or cleaning my office. 2) my reading retention – depending upon the material – seems to be higher with the audio book. 3) I can listen at 2x or 3x the normal speed so I can fly through books. I confess that I think my favorite niche for the audio book is biography. It’s just such a perfect genre for listening. I confess that I’m planning to go on a serious biography kick – so I’m open for suggestions.

I confess that I always feel a slight twinge when I say I’m “reading” a book when I’m actually listening to it – as though listening doesn’t really count as “reading.”. I confess that I’m officially done with that distinction. It’s a dumb distinction. Listening to a book is reading a book. I confess that part of what is pushing me in this direction is my dyslexic son. He’s probably going to have to rely on audio books to get through his education. He’s a total book lover & I want to feed that as much as I can. So, listening is now reading in my book (no pun intended).

I confess that I am wondering how much longer that fax line will be a necessary part of business infrastructure. Don’t most people scan and email documents now? I still see fax numbers listed on business cards, websites, and email signatures and always wonder who is using them. Is there a more common use of the fax machine I don’t know about? I remember fax being a pretty unreliable means of getting info into someone’s hands, but who am I to judge: we still have a land-line at my house.

I confess that my Stevie Wonder is a musical genius. Superstitious is an incredible tune.

I confess that I haven’t changed my guitar strings in at least six months – longest I’ve gone in a decade. It’s like strumming a marshmallow.

I confess that I only ran 12 miles last week – lowest point in quite some time. Summer running is the worst. Give me 20 degrees with a windchill of 7 over 94 degrees with 88% humidity any day.

I confess that I have started to have feelings for someone that I haven’t had in decades… I didn’t want to… I didn’t mean to… it just happened. Sometimes we can’t plan these things. Our heart goes out to someone and there’s nothing we can do to stop it. I confess that I’ve made my choice, and I’ll have to live with it. I’m back on the KC Royals bandwagon. I remember listening to the Royals games when I was falling asleep as a kid. In college I listened to them while commuting an hour each way for one of my jobs. Then the ’94 strike came and I lost all faith in baseball. The small market teams like KC have had a competitive disadvantage ever since then – and it is getting worse by the way – so it’s been tough to care. I was fine without baseball. I even became a NASCAR fan to fill the void. Then they pulled #5 back in to coach hitting and I got curious. Our family started watching games together. As fate would have it, our curiosity coincided with an awesome Royals winning streak and all of the sudden I started to care. I didn’t mean to. I’m starting to believe. May God have mercy on my soul. Nevertheless, I’m back on board. #goroyals

I confess that my task list is getting long enough that I’m starting to get the cold sweats when I think about it. I really need to have a productive week. Maybe God should have mercy on my soul over that, too.

Okay friends: I’ve made my confession. Now it’s time for you to make yours.

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