This is the Best Rationale for a Single Payer Healthcare System I Have Ever Seen

This is the Best Rationale for a Single Payer Healthcare System I Have Ever Seen September 18, 2013

I have long loved John Green & the mental floss peeps (I’m assuming he has a serious team of researchers). This explanation of the healthcare problem we face in our society is incredibly thorough and succinct. Green does a masterful job of providing perspective on the scope and complexity of the current situation, and how we compare to the rest of the world. The opening salvo about taxes and healthcare gives me the shivers.

One thing that Green didn’t mention is that Medicare not only always gets the lowest prices, but their care is more comprehensive, and their overhead is drastically less than any private insurer – drastically… any private insurer… period. I think it is time to admit that healthcare is one problem that free markets cannot fix. The Affordable Care Act may not be perfect, but it’s a place to start. I wish congress would stop voting to repeal it (they’ve done so over 40 separate times… they spend 15% of their time on the house floor trying to repeal it. This body has become ridiculous), and get to work making it better.

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