What does John the Baptist mean by, “Disciple of Jesus.”

What does John the Baptist mean by, “Disciple of Jesus.” January 30, 2025

What does the term, “Disciple of Jesus” mean to you? Do you consider yourself a disciple of Jesus? Would you know how to explain to someone else what it means to be a disciple of Jesus?

John the Baptist came on the scene before Jesus. He was a disciple of Jesus before the concept or idea was even a thing. The Gospel of John unpacks John the Baptist’ view and calling as a disciple of Jesus. His view and calling are applicable to our lives today. Matter a fact, how he views discipleship is how we should view discipleship. How he lived as a disciple of Jesus is how we should live as a disciple of Jesus.

Strangely, John the Baptist was not only a follower of Jesus, but he also grew up with Jesus. They probably played together as children. Think about that? How unique is that? How incredible is that?

When John the Baptist comes on the scene in John 1:19 everyone around him mistook him for being the Christ. The religious leaders of John the Baptist’ day wanted to know who he was. All of us face this dilemma and question, “Who are you?” I would even say we ask ourselves, “Who am I?” It is the most fundamental question that we all must answer as human beings and disciples of Jesus. Who are you?

John the Baptist made it clear in John 1:20, “I am not the Messiah.” They pressed him, “then who are you?” He finally said in John 1:23, “I am a voice crying out in the wilderness, “Make straight the way of the Lord.” John the Baptist was making it clear to them, “I am not the way!” He was here to make the way of Jesus clear to others. If you and I are followers of Jesus, then like John the Baptist, we are here as a voice to make it clear to others that we are not the way, but we are here to declare, “Jesus is the way.” A disciple of Jesus in John the Baptist’s understanding was one who existed to use their voice to make it clear to others that Jesus is the way.

Are you in the way of others experiencing Jesus or are you preparing the way for others to experience Jesus?

In John 1:34, John the Baptist saw Jesus coming toward him and said, “I have seen, and I testify that this is God’s Chosen One.” A disciple of Jesus is one who testifies of who Jesus is to others. My wife, Tosha, a few years ago, launched a ministry called, Family Disciple Me. The motto of this ministry is, “Seek Him, Speak Him.” This pretty much sums up John the Baptist’ first century testimony of Jesus. To be a disciple of Jesus you must seek out who Jesus is in His Word and then declare like John the Baptist did to others who Jesus is.

Your testimony of who Jesus is and how Jesus has changed your life is the most powerful thing about your life. A disciple of Jesus testifies who Jesus is and what He has done in their lives.

After John the Baptist declared who Jesus was to others, Jesus invited those who heard John’s report to come and see for themselves. In John 1:39 Jesus said, “Come and you will see!” Jesus invites us into His life. He invites us to experience who He is. A disciple of Jesus is one who is with Jesus, spends time with Jesus. John 1 tells us that the Word is Jesus, so when we spend time with the Holy Word, we are spending time with Jesus.

A disciple of Jesus spends time with Jesus through His Word.

Two of the disciples who heard John the Baptist talk about Jesus, were Andrew and Simon Peter. Andrew brought Simon Peter to Jesus. In John 1:42 Jesus says, “You are Simon the son of John. You shall be called Cephas” (which means Peter).

A disciple of Jesus is changed, transformed by Jesus. We all might think we know who God has created us to be, but Jesus knows. We perceive ourselves through physical eyes and realms but Jesus like Peter, perceives us through spiritual eyes. Peter understood himself based off his biological father, “son of John” but Jesus understand Peter based off His Holy calling, “Peter” which means little rock. Jesus had a purpose for Peter. Our relationship with Jesus transforms us to live differently and to live a unique calling that was placed on our lives by Jesus.

A disciple of Jesus is one who lives their God given calling not based on their biological origin but their spiritual calling from God. You are not the sum up where you came from, you are so much more. You are called by God to fulfill an eternal purpose for Jesus. This transformed Simon son of John into Peter.

After the transformation statement of Peter, Jesus presses into Philip and calls him to be a disciple by simply saying, “Follow me.” Phillip did and this led him to reaching out to his friend, Nathanael. John 1:45 says, “Philip found Nathanael.” Who has Jesus called you to go find in your network of relationships for him?

Jesus speaks to Nathanael in John 1:47 and says, ““Behold, an Israelite indeed, in whom there is no deceit!” 48 Nathanael said to him, “How do you know me?” Jesus answered him, “Before Philip called you, when you were under the fig tree, I saw you.”

God sees us. He watches us. He observes us and then He calls us.

A disciple of Jesus is seen by God. Our worth is determined by Jesus’ declaration of who He sees us to be. Nathanael was one without deceit. A disciple of Jesus is a “called out one” by Jesus. He declares our character transformation. He deems who we are and what we are. Our worth is determined by His words.

A disciple of Jesus believes who Jesus says they are and accepts His watchful eye over them.

You are one in whom He sees and declares to be, now go as He commands us in Matthew 28 and repeat the process of making other disciples of Jesus. We are here to make Him famous, for His glory and our good. Now, go and prepare the way for others, be a voice for Jesus.


Pastor Kelly





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