August 17, 2010

I think Gui has learned more during the last month than he did during our entire last ‘school year’. First there was the obsession with anatomy. And then there are the many many days that wind up like this. Read more

August 11, 2010

I commented on Facebook last night that I did not know what to write about. My friend Luke suggested I write poetry in traditional meters about the Saints. Unfortunately, all I could manage was sub par limericks. 🙂 Yesterday was the feast of St. Larry who towards death did not tarry in his memory we grill and merrily trill “it’s done on that side” as was St. Larry! Today is the feast of St. Clare who led a life quite... Read more

August 9, 2010

I was the kid with the hump seat.h/t danielle bean Read more

August 6, 2010

And I would love to get input on these. 1. Can you think of a time when someone else was able to persuade you to change your mind or practices with regard to some deeply held belief? 2. Did that dialogue happen, in whole or in part, online, or was it mostly or all in person? 3. Was that person who changed your thinking someone you have a relationship with, or someone you knew only incidentally? 4. Was your mind... Read more

August 6, 2010

I want to write on this idea that the Christian life is so hard and arduous that it somehow cannot at the same time be positive and optimistic…I think this is one of those mysteries where contradicting statements must both be true – that the fruit of the Christian life is peace, love, joy and yet the price of the Christian life is persecution and division. That in the Church we are all part of Christ’s body and yet the... Read more

August 5, 2010

Recently the bloggers at one of my favorite Catholic blogs were accused of promoting “Pollyanna Catholicism” and “happy-clappy” homogeneity because they have a comments policy that seeks to foster a positive attitude and welcoming atmosphere. This group of sincere Catholic women post several times a week on their personal thoughts, struggles and aspirations to an audience of thousands of readers. The blog states that it’s mission is to “work toward building a Christ-centered community where we can encourage and support... Read more

June 22, 2010

No, no, not THAT one. I learned a few lessons today: 1. No matter how rushed you are or how little space you have in the cupboards, it is never a good idea to leave groceries on the kitchen floor when there’s a two year old in the house. 2. A gallon of olive oil is a lot. It looks and feels like even more spread out on the floor. 3. Oil clean up is HARD. I feel for those... Read more

June 20, 2010

I’m the kind of girl who still calls her father “Daddy.” Not in a got him wrapped around my little pinky kind of way. But just because it fits. I miss my Dad. It’s hard being so far away. I could tell you in an instant what I miss most about my father because hardly a week goes by that I don’t think of it. I miss singing with my father. All of my favorite memories of my father involve... Read more

June 19, 2010

Then… And Now.My husband is my best friend, my sweetheart, and my favorite raconteur. The more years we have together, the better. Read more

May 12, 2010

This post is for the geeks among us, for anyone who remembers the covers to the classic Tarzan novels, and especially for my sister and that book of great sci-fi and fantasy art I used to sneak into her room to read. Frank Frazzetta, the man who created those Tarzan covers and left his mark all over the world of fantasy and science fiction illustration, died two days ago, May 10th. Looking for an image to accompany this post was... Read more

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