Ramadhan 2016 – Day 12 (Ar-Ra’d)

Ramadhan 2016 – Day 12 (Ar-Ra’d) June 17, 2016

quran day 12

Ch 13 (Ar-Ra’d) along with its twin, Ch 14 (Ibrahim) are two of the shortest chapters in the ALR series. They could be twin formulation of the previous three chapters (Yunus, Hud and Yusuf) but from different angles. Ch 13 sees it more from a natural and truth angle. It also is unique in the sense that its letters are ALMR , the M showing the realization or action or the taking place of ALR.

13/13-14 mentions the sending of thunder and lightning as energy which removes falsehood. This shows the energistic element in our evolution. It continues in Vs 14 to talks about the truthful calling,i.e. the calling which receives His response

Ch 13 also contains the verse of the truth (13/17). In this verse, the multiplicity of truth is explained and that truth must constantly be fluid in order to be able to wash away falsehood. The metaphor used to explain it are rivers which carry water, showing the formlessness of truth. 13/18 mention those who respond to their lord by becoming an agent of truth which will earn them al-husna (the good).

13/37 mentions hukman ‘arabiya (the decision of God which is perfectly fitting) comes after explaining the role of a reading which is sanctioned by God (13/31). This reading has the capacity to bring positive changes to society because all affairs go back to Allah. The point is to establish what we can from the reading and develop our souls. This would enable us to achieve the garden. This is said to be Allah planting our feet firmly (13/39) and with him is the mother of the book. This passage shows the essential path of messengership, at the end of which he denied (13/43). However Allah declares Himself as enough for a witness.


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