The Daily Trinity: Creation Care as a Primary Issue, Obamacare in the South, and Chris Christie and the Battle of New Jersey

The Daily Trinity: Creation Care as a Primary Issue, Obamacare in the South, and Chris Christie and the Battle of New Jersey August 4, 2010


1.  The old evangelical coalition was united around certain shared moral and social goals, a minimalist theology, and wise men such as Billy Graham, John Stott and J. I. Packer.  With the wise men at or nearing the end of their careers, Scot McKnight asks, will the center still hold?  Or are evangelicals falling apart into warring tribes?

2.  Relevant Magazine on the value of unanswered questions.

3.  The editors of Christianity Today declare that we can no longer consider “creation care” a secondary issue.


1.  Chris Christie is swiftly becoming one of the most powerful figures on the conservative side of American politics.  The success of his initiatives, and the success of his political career in light of them, will have an outsized influence on American politics because conservative politicians will be watching and wondering whether they might dare to emulate him.  He’s very much worth watching, and this is the most detailed account to date of “The Battle of New Jersey.”

2.  The battle over Obamacare will be long and arduous.  While the legal consequences are unclear, Missouri is the first of four states to vote on legislation that would exempt the state from the federal insurance purchase mandate.  Obamacare was rejected by a nearly 3-to-1 margin.

3.  An interesting perspective on the global warming debate.

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