Mises University 2017

Mises University 2017 July 8, 2017


When I was an undergrad at Huntington University, the highlight of my summers was the week-long conference-style Mises University program at the Ludwig von Mises Institute down in Auburn, Alabama, right next to the campus of Auburn University. I attended in 2007, 08, and 09, and I traveled down there a fourth time in 2010 for the Rothbard Graduate Seminar (here I am quoted in this 2008 review). The social atmosphere was tremendous and I have very fond memories of my time spent at Mises U, but it’s been quite a while since I’ve thoroughly studied Austrian economics and I’ve gone through a few changes, philosophically, religiously, politically, and personally (at one point going so far as to give away most of my books on Austrian economics). This year I’ve decided to revisit my old stomping grounds. I’ve signed up for the Virtual Mises U and I’m going to report my findings here at the Pickled Pencil. The program starts on July 23rd.

If you’re unaware, the Ludwig von Mises Institute is an educational organization which promotes free-market economics in the tradition of the Austrian School.

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