(gulp) Mt. Hermon, here I come

(gulp) Mt. Hermon, here I come March 11, 2008

A couple of months ago, I ran across a contest on The Writers View e-mail loop. This loop is a networking/information/encouragement portal for…you guessed it…writers. The prize for the essay contest was a full scholarship to the Mt. Hermon Christian Writers Conference in Cali. I’m at a bit of a crossroads in my writing vocation, and hope that being immersed in a learning community for the better part of a week will help me better discern just what the heck comes next. Note: emphasis on community goes in that sentence.
I won the scholarship. Someone at work said, “You’re like the Prizewinner of Defiance, Ohio”. (This, because I will occasionally enter writing contests – as well as the random Chicago Tribune Christmas cookie-baking contest – and have had some wonderful things happen as a result. Best prize – my first book contract a couple of years ago.)
So after a flurry of writing activity getting ready for the event, and a head cold that is trying to invade my sinuses, I am in the home stretch. I am scheduled to get on that plane Thursday AM and head to California. I don’t know a single soul. There are lots and lots of multiply-published writers scheduled to be there, and acquisitions editors and agents and aspiriring first-time authors and…
My amazing songbird intercessor friend Meg reminded me this morning of a question I apparently asked her a few years ago. (I don’t remember asking it, but she insisted I did.) The question is: Where is Jesus taking me?
If you think of it, I’d sure value your prayers. I want to stay surrendered, and not lose sight of Him for one single moment.
A P.S.—No cold. Amen.

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