It’s 1500 all over again, this time with ipods

It’s 1500 all over again, this time with ipods September 9, 2008

I’m currently reading a book penned by Washington Times religion Julia Duin called Quitting Church: Why The Faithful Are Fleeing and What To Do About It. It’s a very well-written book with a surprisingly personal spin, given Duin’s journalist credentials. It doesn’t break any new ground, but pulls together stats, trends, and bits of her own story in a winsome, readable manner.

Though I haven’t finished it, here’s what I discovered in what I’ve perused so far: I’ve read almost every single book, study and article Duin references in this volume. I’ve got a kind of ongoing literary lament going on the subject of the church.

And I always circle back to the same sad reality. The church is alienating more people than she’s embracing. There are so many people who’ve exited the church, never to return. They love Jesus, and they are the “big C” Church/Bride of Christ…but are weary of what the institutional church offers and demands of them. I am, too.

There is a need for a new reformation, but it won’t be anything like the Big Reformations that rocked the church 1500-1000-500 years ago. I wonder what will come of this current tired and shallow unsettled practice in the western church, and what this new reformation will look like.

Any thoughts?

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