Over 40? Share your church experience via brief survey

Over 40? Share your church experience via brief survey April 18, 2013

During the last few months, I’ve had numerous conversations with a number of people over 40 who are trying to make sense of their relationship with a local church. Pollster George Barna’s 2011 State Of The Church survey reported that church attendance is on the decline among adults. One of the most significant drops in regular attendance came among Baby Boomers, those born between 1946-1964. Baby Busters, those born between 1965-1983, have seen an uptick in the number of those who do not claim any church affiliation.

I’ve written on “second adulthood” subjects (here, here, here and here, just for starters). I’m keenly interested in learning more about how we relate to the Church as we move into midlife and beyond, so I put together a 10-question survey of my own. If you were born before 1973, please click the link below and weigh in about your relationship with the local church. The survey should take you no more than 4 minutes to complete. To sweeten the pot, you can enter to win a $15 Amazon gift card.

As I note in my intro to the survey, “I am neither a statistician or a social scientist. I am a 53 year-old interested in further exploring these questions in some of the writing I do, as well as in conversation with those in my sphere of influence. This survey is an opportunity for me to listen to you, then prayerfully discover where the responses to these questions may take me.” Note that your survey responses will remain completely anonymous. Do pass this survey on to your over-40 friends, too. Then stay tuned to this space for some lively discussion about this topic!

–> Please click here to take the survey  <–


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