Quick update from Jerusalem

Quick update from Jerusalem May 12, 2013

My husband and I are in Jerusalem for this week’s board meeting for the Caspari Center. This is our 6th trip to Israel.

We arrived last Thursday, and spend a lovely weekend in Ashdod, grateful to be on the receiving end of some amazing hospitality in a perfect location on the Mediterranean Sea. The weekend was filled with lovely meals and interesting conversation, and was an introduction to a new-to-us part of Israel before we headed to Jerusalem last night.

If you are a praying person, I’d value your intercession. A long-distance pet-sitting crisis (resolved today, I believe, thanks to a dear, dear animal-loving friend) and a one-inch diameter blister that has eaten through almost every layer of skin on the arch of my foot have combined to serve as great big distractions. In the case of the blister, which looks like a third-degree burn, I am having some difficulty walking.

Not how I planned to spend my shekels today.

A pet-sitting crisis and a blister sound like small things, particularly in light of all that is going on in this part of the world. They are. Still, we’d value your prayers right now, because those small things are big distractions. In the case of the foot, I am a concerned about infection setting in. The size and depth of the wound are a little worrisome.


“How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings,     who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, ‘Your God reigns!'” –Is. 52:7

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