June 16, 2007

The relationship between art (and artists) and the church was a chilly one when I first came to faith in Christ in the `70’s. Evangelicalism had a serious case of amensia, leaving itself disconnected from 2000 years of church history. We got kitsch instead of thoughtful, provocative, beautiful art. It’s a lovely thing to see the tide turning. Lovelier still, to be able to surf on it. The old, false, mean-spirited walls are crumbling. It is a slow process, but... Read more

June 13, 2007

Bill and I have been attending a small church for the last 9 months or so. Small churches typically don’t drown their members’ schedules in lots of programs and meetings and busywork. This congregation is especially sparse, programming-wise. Besides Sunday services and a wee youth group, there was some kind of once-a-month women’s meeting that did…something, but I have no idea what, and a women’s Bible study that met this spring to explore the book of James. (Let the reader... Read more

June 9, 2007

I didn’t even know I’d been entered in the Evangelical Press Association’s contest, but apparently my story “Tina Meets The King” came in fifth in the Fiction category. Here’s some irony for you: (1) Since I wasn’t aware that Discipleship Journal had entered the piece in the competition, coming in fifth was a nice little surprise. (2) I’d originally written the piece after my first visit to the International House of Prayer in Kansas City. The visit solidified my conviction... Read more

June 5, 2007

What does worship look like? Here are thirteen ways to offer a bit of yourself to God, and none of them include singing: 1. Make eye contact with the lady behind the counter at McDonalds. Ask her how her day is going, and thank her for her help. 2. Let someone into traffic in front of you. 3. Put something away for someone else in your house, and thank God for the person to whom it belongs. 4. Wipe the... Read more

May 31, 2007

Some reader thoughts today… I am so happy that I get to read again! I’ve been completely focused on research and writing for the last 9 months or so. I’ve been reading A LOT, but its been a lot of “hafta” reading. (I’m not complaining, because the “hafta” has a huge measure of “wanna” in there.) But now I get to read whatever I want to read. This is a great thing since I work part-time in a bookstore, and... Read more

May 25, 2007

Jacob, 20, holding a copy of a screenprinted illustration he’s selling. He’s an art machine. He sees the world in a completely different way. Love it. Love him. Contact me if you want to know how to own your own copy. Read more

May 23, 2007

This was the music of Christian counter-culture, circa 1970’s This music INFURIATED a lot of people back in the day. Christians singing pop or rock? Larry Norman (on the left) penned the immortal words “Why should the devil have all the good music”? in response to the scathing criticism from most in the mainstream church to his music: the sounds of rock `n roll married to songs about (and to) Jesus. Last night, while watching American Idol, I was struck... Read more

May 17, 2007

Is the glass half-empty or half-full? My own tendency is to see the glass as half-empty, and suspect that the other half full of some kind of odorless, tastelss clear toxic chemical. Some pretty serious things have happened in the last few days: – A freakish series of events in the last week may (?) have deep-sixed the publication of the book manuscript I just finished. – My husband was in a car accident. The other person involved in the... Read more

May 13, 2007

My husband Bill began college in 1973 at Elmhurst. After a year there, he transferred to Trinity College. He loved Trinity, but had to drop out after three semesters there because of a serious accident that left him in the hospital for a month. After we got married in 1979, he realized that his lack of a degree was holding him back from advancing in his Information Systems career. Elmhurst had recently started an adult degree completion program, so he... Read more

May 3, 2007

Dan at Cerulean Sanctum posted once again about the bizzy-bizzy nature of the Christian subculture. It’s a theme he’s tackled again and again, and I hope he keeps at it. It reminded me of another post I’d read a couple of months ago at the Christianity Today Gifted For Leadership blog about how easy it is for well-meaning, gifted people to slowly get sucked out of the rhythms of our own lives with God because we’re trying to serve Him.... Read more

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