August 28, 2013

Because my friend did not choose an abortion as I suggested, her decision ultimately changed my life very much for the better. Knowing what I know now, would I counsel a woman in a similar situation to have an abortion today? Yes, I would, and I would be supportive of her no matter what her decision. Read more

August 12, 2013

If anti-choice advocates were truly pro-life, they would support providing prenatal care and protecting women's and children’s health. They do not because their real priorities have little to do with life and everything to do with domination and power. Read more

August 6, 2013

Some might argue that abortion is wrong because incarnating spirits have the right to choose their parents. But why would a disincarnate spirit's desires be more important than those of the potential mother, who is also a spirit incarnate in flesh? Read more

July 15, 2013

A pro-choice position is compatible with honoring life as sacred. Treating other beings with respect is not the same as treating them as moral equals. It is wrong to treat a fetus as if it had full human moral standing, especially when doing so objectifies a woman as less than human: a mere container and a means to an end. Read more

April 22, 2013

Earth Day is a reminder that we are not the only beings that matter and that just because we have the power to do something does not mean we should do it. Read more

April 11, 2013

By seeking harmony in our lives, in our communities human and more-than-human alike, and in our rituals together, we seek greater harmony with that which is more than any of these. And in doing so, we heal ourselves of the distortions that arise from a world-denying Western outlook. Read more

April 1, 2013

The priest walked to the center and invoked the Goddess. She came. Her presence was the most beautiful, loving, and powerful experience I ever had. “Here’s a religion where they ask their God to come and She does,” I thought. Read more

March 26, 2013

Land can be understood as a temporary house, as a permanent home, or as a temple for the more-than-human. The concept of "wilderness" is one way to approach land and place as a temple. Read more

February 15, 2013

Monotheism never evolved from polytheistic roots, nor did it triumph because of its persuasive power. In nearly every instance, a form of monotheism became a culture’s dominant religion through forcible imposition, with adherents to other Gods and faiths imprisoned or killed. Read more

February 7, 2013

Thought forms are dependent on the people who generate the mental energy empowering them. Like habits, they can be strengthened or undermined by increasing or reducing the energy we put into them. Read more

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