Haley: ‘Reasonable’ Republican to Confederate Apologist?

Haley: ‘Reasonable’ Republican to Confederate Apologist? December 7, 2019

Gov Nikki Haley
U.S. Mission Photo/Eric Bridiers

Former UN Ambassador and South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley came out of the woodwork to lament that Dylan Roof’s cold-blooded murder of nine people at Mother Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston sullied the Confederate flag’s sanctity.

“This was one of the oldest African American churches — these 12 people were amazing people. They loved their church, they loved their family, they loved their community. And here is this guy that comes out with this manifesto, holding the Confederate flag and had just hijacked everything that people thought of (about the flag).”

Former UN Ambassador and N.C. Gov. Nikki Haley during a Glenn Beck interview

Mother Emauel AME Church, Charleston, S.C.
Mother Emanuel AME Church, Charleston, S.C./Wikimedia

Symbol of ‘Service and Sacrifice’

Until Roof killed Black people of faith in cold blood, she claimed the Confederate flag was a symbol of “service and sacrifice and heritage.” Let’s be clear. Haley believes it symbolizes the “service and sacrifice and heritage” of White people.

Enslaved Africans Served and Sacrificed

She’s right. The Confederate flag does symbolize service and sacrifice. It represents the forced service and sacrifice of enslaved Africans. Efforts to end their free labor, dehumanization, and demoralization were the Confederacy’s genesis.

That flag also symbolizes those enslaved Africans’ culture and heritage of which they were robbed. Unsurprisingly, the usual suspects mobilized to defend Haley’s ignorant comments. Here’s a Fox News headline: Media piles on Nikki Haley after misinterpreted Confederate flag remarks go viral.

Haley Wasn’t Misinterpreted

Her indefensible comments weren’t misinterpreted. Not only did Haley praise the Confederate flag, but she also challenged Roof’s motivation for murdering innocent Black people gathered to pray.

Denials Don’t Negate Roof’s Motivations

Haley complained that mainstream media tried to make the murder of nine churchgoers by a white man carrying a Confederate flag a racist event. No. Just no. Despite her delusional spin, let’s keep real. Roof’s actions, based on his manifesto, were racist.

She also wailed and gnashed her teeth about gun control and the death penalty being discussed in the same breath as the tragedy. Had Roof not gotten access to a gun, there would’ve been bloodshed at Mother Emanuel AME. And the death penalty is a justified punishment for his diabolical act.

In this interview, Haley proves she’s fully embraced Trump’s Republican Party. Given this, and her joining former Energy Secretary Rick Perry in calling Trump the “chosen one,” Haley seems to be grooming herself for a Trump White House post.


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