Strong Women: Profiles In Courage Know No Gender

Strong Women: Profiles In Courage Know No Gender December 18, 2019

Strong women have never been an aberration. They’ve been a constant presence in my life. Lucille Mae Dennison Wilson Harrington — my White great-grandmother — became my first and forever example of a strong woman.

Grandma: Lucille Mae Denniston Wilson Harrington
Grandma: Lucille Mae Denniston Wilson Harrington

A Survivor

Grandma survived a volatile childhood, the Great Depression, domestic violence, and divorce by 1946. She’d eventually work her way to becoming the head of all snack bars at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign’s campus. Getting there took strength and courage.

Profile In Courage
Defying her loved ones to care for and protect her first great-grandchild — a little Black boy — serves as her greatest profile in courage. (That boy is now the 43-year-old man who put these words on the page.)

Reflecting on my life, women embodying Grandma’s courage and spirit attract me. This Black queer ordained minister, policy advocate, and theologian welcomes them as colleagues, friends, and mentors.

Strong Black Women
Entering seminary and, eventually, ministry plenty of strong women, particularly strong Black women, supported and surrounded me. The late Rev. Deirdre Jackson Jones left an indelible mark on me. Jackson Jones influences and inspires my ministry to fight for justice for all.

Grandma and the other women mentioned (and many others not mentioned) walk through life with courage and strength in the face of homophobia, misogyny, patriarchy, queerphobia, racism, sexism, and transphobia.

Of course, Grandma enjoyed White privilege. Our relationship would help her discover and acknowledge that privilege. As we move closer to impeaching the 45th president — Donald J. Trump — other women with as much courage, grit and strength as Grandma has emerged.

Speaking Truth To Power

Former Ukraine Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch, Dr. Fiona Hill, Jennifer Williams, and Dr. Pamela S. Karlan spoke truth to power. My admiration for their courage and strength doesn’t come from a place of patronizing patriarchy. They had the ovaries to testify.

Photos by PBS, Voice of America, and the Washington Post

Photos by PBS, Voice of America, and the Washington Post
Photos by PBS, Voice of America, and the Washington Post

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