July 9, 2007

Sunday Conversations
Matt: So what did you learn in Sunday school?

Aedan: We learned that the man had a stick and he hit the people with the stick, like this (demonstrates).
Matt: Stick? What stick was that?
Aedan: The man, he had a stick.
Emma: Pharaoh.
Aedan: Yeah. (Waves his hand) Let my people go.
Matt: Oh, so Pharaoh had a stick, and he hit the people?
Emma: Yeah, and then Jesus came and made frogs and locusts and a river of blood.
Anne: Jesus did that?
Emma: Yeah, it was Jesus. And the red river divided.
Matt: River or Sea?
Emma: River.
Aedan: Yeah, hit it with a stick, like this.
Anne: Was there anybody named Moses?
Emma: Moses?
Aedan: Yeah, and you shouldn’t kill the cow.
Matt: What cow?
Aedan: The cow, the cow.
Matt: Was there a mountain?
Emma: Yeah, a big mountain.
Matt: Was it called Mount Sinai.
Aedan: No (sarcastically) that’s silly. It was a big mountain.
Emma and Aedan drift off to do other things. Matt and Anne resolve to read the Exodus with them as a bed time story. I suppose, as I read this, that the cow must have been the golden calf. I’m still somewhat confused.

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