I had something interesting to say but I’m not saying it yet

I had something interesting to say but I’m not saying it yet April 11, 2008

I had a whole article written for here and the church weekly update but it accidentally turned into a sermon, so I’m not going to post it until Sunday morning because then some of you might be tempted not to bother coming to church (heh).

In the meantime you might pray for R. We’ve all had the throwing up bug this week (again) and I thought that R had already had it. In any case, he’s either having it for the first time, or having it again, or having something new. I’m shooting ginger ail down his throat with a baby medicine dropper (well, Matt is, because he’s horribly strong for a baby), in between throwing up and requesting God fervently that he not dehydrate or we will end up at the doctor. Poor baby.

And you can pray for me because this ridiculously young baby has finally cut that tooth. Ouch! for everyone.

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