Week In Review

Week In Review August 21, 2008

As so many of you have pointed out, I’ve been seriously not blogging. BUT I have been working very hard on my house. I have emptied out most all the cupboards, continuing to throw and throw and throw and reorganize. I have two rooms left to do. I’ve been working over my calendar and to do list trying to hammer life down, as best I can. I’ve been on the phone nearly all the time (not something I’m very good at). I’ve moved Matt out of his office and helped make him a new one. I’ve painted his old office and made it into a school room. And, I’ve colored with E and discussed the nature, purpose and being of the Tooth Fairy.

Its true, she has lost her first tooth. I wasn’t prepared. None of my life up to this point has prepared me for this moment. Not only do I not know the Size of the Tooth Fairy (is she very tiny? how does she carry all those teeth? why does she collect teeth? what does she do with them?), I did not know the going rate on teeth, nor how to extract a tooth from the tight fist of a sleeping baby girl who refuses any longer to call me ‘mommy’, instead tipping her chin up and saying ‘Mom’ with an unnecessary tone of authority. And I don’t know how to cope with the fact that she is 6 years old and she’s only going to get bigger and more beautiful, and I am only going to get smaller and more shrivelly. (By smaller, I mean shorter, I will probably continue to get wider.) I couldn’t go to sleep several nights this week worrying about where she would decide to go to college.

And, tomorrow is my birthday. As a present to myself, I’m going to lay around in the morning with my kids and then probably make them pancakes. May God preserve me through this next year.

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