The end is in sight

The end is in sight October 22, 2009

I am up at an unusual hour because Matt was called out at something like 5 this morning for a pastoral emergency. He wildly made tea and found his phone and collar and was out the door in a matter of minutes. I’ve been trying to stay awake since then because Romulus has been up singing ‘Pharaoh, Pharaoh OH BABY LET MY people go’ loudly in my ear as well as ‘AND ONE WAS A DOCTOR and one was a QUEEN and one was a Spiderman and one was a bad guy and I WANT TO BE ONE TOO’.

I’ve been contracting regularly and irregularly since Tuesday, thinking all the time that I’m about to go into full blown labor but never actually doing it. I have another ultra sound tomorrow, and if this baby isn’t any bigger, the doctor intends that I go in on Monday or Tuesday and be helped along a little. In other words, the baby isn’t really packing on weight the way we would all like and I’m beginning to loose weight, and all these contractions are doing something. So for everybody’s health and safety, she would like this baby to be here with us now rather than waiting till Nov. 2. I’m really grateful to have such a wonderful doctor, even after whining at the beginning of the week. And I’m longing to meet this baby who, in every ultrasound picture, has the most amazing pouty flower like lips, rivaled only by her big sister, Gladys.

So, today and through the weekend, I am going to try to be ‘restful’ as instructed (whatever that means). I’d like to finish up some math lessons with Elphine, organize all the school work into some kind order so they can keep busy next week, and maybe make a pie. And hopefully Matt will help me rearrange some more furniture to make room for the cradle which is currently made up beautifully, covered with a sheet and then a board so as to keep cats and children out. But I have to figure out where to put it.

Meanwhile, I hope you will pray for the people Matt is with now. My impression, as he ran out the door, is that some lives have been turned upside down during the night and that Good Shepherd will be called upon to rally around in the next few days. And prayer is the best place to start.

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