Thursday on the Links

Thursday on the Links May 20, 2010

As I begin to type it occurs to me that I have not dealt with the mass of pictures on my computer proving that we did, in fact, camp and that we did, if fact, have a good time. I need to post them because everybody who has asked and been told that ‘it was great!’ begins to look crosswise and clearly doesn’t believe.

That being the case, I did just want to point out this. Matt and I watched as much of it as we could bear and then I had strange and unpleasant dreams. I know all the chit chat has been about there being many many fewer people there than planned for, but may the Almighty preserve me, if I had been suckered into going, I would have had to sneak out the back within just a few minutes of being there. Mid way through I was shouting, ‘Just Pick Something!’ Do you want to be Chinese? Then pick that. Scottish? By all means. Native American? Whatever. But pick something! There’s no way that all the nations of the world are filling the pews of the Episcopal Church of So. Cal. I’m thinking, that for anyone who can manage to watch the whole thing (without skipping forward and then lying about it) and can offer the best and cleverest one liner, of sending along some kind of prize. I’m pretty sure no one would win because its so desperately unbearable to watch.

And so, as a balance of to the link above, I give you my favorite thing on youtube right now,

And now once more into the frey.

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