In the Eye of the Beholder

In the Eye of the Beholder November 10, 2010

“Look Mommy!!!” shouted Gladys leaning over and smearing her grubby mits all over this picture, “There’s you and me!!!! That’s me and you. That’s me (pointing) and that’s you (pointing)!”

This announcement comes as a great great surprise to me. I don’t see myself this way At All. I’m actually wearing a foul pair of gray trousers and and a dowdy gray sweater and my hair is not up in a pretty bun but sort of flat and, well, flat. And, in fact, none of us are sitting in a beautiful field picking pretty flowers together.

Nevertheless, I’m delighted she thinks our life is like this. I mean, it is a touch too nostalgic for me, this picture. But a little early childhood nostalgia shouldn’t hurt her too much, should it? I mean, should I worry? Oh dear.

Props to Apple Cider Mill for the pretty picture.

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