Resting Up

Resting Up February 15, 2011

I was persuaded to stay home from school for another day, ostensibly to get some rest, but in reality so that I can seriously clean the boys room without interference from them. Alouicious and Elphine, both, are already developing into pack rats–sequestering little bits of cardboard out of the recycling into strange nooks, and gathering broken bits of whatever they can find to “save for later”. I am deeply against this habit. The more stuff you save and hang onto, whether bits of cardboard or broken bits of china (my particular hoarding vice), the more you have to be prepared to walk away from should Jesus suddenly decide to come back. I have this fear of being caught in my kitchen with a basket of broken saucers trying to decide to put it down so I can be caught up in the air to meet my Lord.

Anyway, so I’m going to at least get started on their room, and also take a nap, and maybe bake a pie. I don’t know.The little ones need to learn to read so maybe I’ll just do that today too. Personally, I don’t understand why Matt keeps calling me “irrational” just because I’m all weepy from being “too tired” by the evening to “do anything more at all”.

You know what! I think I’ll chuck it all and go straight for the pie. That baby is going to want to eat again in an hour and I don’t think I’ll be able to really provide for her unless I’ve eaten a whole pie myself.

Have a great day!

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