Happy Birthday Tomorrow

Happy Birthday Tomorrow July 12, 2011

My oldest child turns nine tomorrow. It’s sort of crept up on me. The last nine years that is. How did this happen? How can she already be this old? Mercifully, she is ridiculously short and will probably remain so for some time, so I can preserve some something. If and when she is ever taller than me I don’t know what I’ll do.

On the whole I feel bad for her, being the first child. We seem to figure out each stage just after she has gone through it. All the little pack of people behind her are probably, from my current angle, having an easier time of it because we finally catch on after she had laid the ground. Oh well, I’m sure it will occur to her to blame us later so I won’t worry about that right now.

So, today I’m making a birthday cake and some other stuff and maybe I’ll clean the house, and I’m also going to go buy her a pocket knife, because that’s what she wants. A child of frugal and attainable tastes and basically, for the most part, focused on other people, and on Jesus, and basically pretty obedient, most of the time, and also totally and unbearably silly.

Fast forward to 9:21 to see the little bit the really well encapsulates Elphine. Heh heh.

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