We’re very very busy and we’ve got a lot to do

We’re very very busy and we’ve got a lot to do October 19, 2011

Today is the Harvest Dinner, by gum, and already Matt has been over to church twice to let people in (its 6:45am as I write this). We’re not going to be doing anything to help except our duty, which is school and then going and eating the food.  And probably I’ll stay and sweep floors after, or something.

Anyway, I haven’t been intending to not blog every day but Matt is on a rampage of painting every room in the house as fast as he can. He’s done all three bedrooms upstairs, one bathroom and the school room. There are two small bathrooms, our bedroom and one hallway remaining. Its kind of crazy and I keep thinking we’re going to die of too much painting, but so far life is only getting better.

Since we moved in the children’s rooms have sort of reminded me of prison cells (particularly Marigold’s who has a small table, an empty bookshelf and a mattress on the floor). But NOW! We have pink, blue and Mediterranean Mustard (that’s what I’m calling it) upstairs. AND, the true and most amazing mercy of all time, my kitchen cabinets are beautiful clean white making my no-natural-light-kitchen bright, cheerful and dream lovely.

My camera is full of pictures but I’ve been busy.
Check you later!

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