a book has been read

a book has been read January 25, 2012

Congratulate me!
I finished an actual book. Four years ago while I was in labor with Gladys, I started reading The Pickwick Papers and Last Night I finished it!

I imagine everyone reading this will fall into one of two camps.
Either you will think, ‘that’s amazing! What a huge book! How persistent she is! Would that I could also finish reading an actual book’
or you will think, ‘are you kidding? FOUR years to read a book! I read 57 books in one month. What a looser! I’m never reading this blog again.”

Either way I hope you will congratulate me and muffle your righteous disdain in your sleeve. I think for my next venture I will try to finish reading Black Lamb Gray Falcon which I started in 1998. By the time I finish it we will have all moved on from the internet to the next great thing and some of us will be living on the moon, or in caves beating each other with clubs, whichever turn civilization happens to take.

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