
shriven February 21, 2012

Matt brought me a cup of tea a whole hour earlier than usual. Does he feel I ought to be doing something in particular today?……

Doesn’t matter. I won’t be doing whatever it is because I’m 100% sure I have strep.
Completely Sure.
BUT! I have a well baby this morning anyway, so one way or another I’m sure I can get a whole building of doctors to prescribe me something, like the soon removal of my tonsils, or whatever it is that is harboring this junk.

It seems to be a habit for one of us to be sick on Shrove Tuesday/Ash Wednesday. Last year it was Matt. Its these kinds of irritations that blow any kind of Lenten Discipline I might undertake out of the water in the first few minutes. This year I’m planning to try to get through the whole Bible by the end of Easter. And I’m giving up anxiety. So that should be fun.

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