seven quick quick reasons we need a dog

seven quick quick reasons we need a dog May 4, 2012

Last night a tiny baby squirrel was discovered chirping and freaking out in our back yard. There were about 10 kids back there playing and shouting and banging sticks together when they noticed him dancing along the ground under the hedge crying for help and comfort. Fortunately my friend held the hoard at bay. I wandered out to inquire about the commotion and the poor baby ran straight up to me, climbed into my hand, tucked his head into my bosom and closed his eyes. Unfortunately, Matt and my friend conspired against me, Matt getting a box together and my friend greedily making off with him at a remarkable speed.

So anyway, here are seven reasons we need a dog.


I’m really tired of sweeping the floor. With six children dropping food on the floor, all I do is sweep. I could use the help.


It took me forever as a child to aquire a dog and its ridiculous that as an adult, I’m still waiting around to have a dog. Its like there’s no benefit to growing up and getting a life.


The children are old enough to assist in caring for such a creature. They clean the wretched cat boxes, feed and pet the cats, they get up early to do school work, they participate in the household work. They are old enough to care for a dog.


The cats are getting fat and need the exercise. Besides, one of them is already like a dog and would appreciate the company.


Getting a dog affirms the memory and love of all previous dogs. When a person dies, does one refuse to have anything more to do with people? I hope not. The more animals you care for in life, the better a time you will have in heaven. Those who refuse to have pets here on earth will get off the bus in heaven and will have no one to welcome them. They will be like the poor saps who get off the plane and have to walk through the crowd alone to the rental car, eveyone looking at them and saying sorrowfully, “nobody loves him”.


The price of gas and the number of our family make travel prohibitive and therefore a dog will be of no inconvenience on that score.

The children and I had a lovely prayer time together and we really feel the Lord leading us, as a family, to aquire and care for a dog. We don’t have any peace, right now, about not having a dog. 

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